In her teenage years, she fell in love with Magnus Thorsson (Magnús Þórsson), being charmed by him with a horseback ride on campus. Later in life, they ended up marrying each other, seeking to start a family.

She underwent labour during a blizzard, and Magnus struggled to keep the car under control, but to no avail. Alone, Riley had no other choice but to give birth without help. After dozing in and out of reality, she escaped the totaled car to seek warmth. Upon reaching a hill, baby Lúna was frostbitten; the only one rescued by the hospital helicopter was Riley.

Riley was born on the 8th of August 1988 in Reykjavik, Iceland, into the Gunnarsdóttir family – musician Gunnar and his wife, Ellen.
In her childhood, she met an older woman named Yrsa, who taunted that Riley was cursed. After the death of her mother, the Icelandic girl believed so.

Moving to London introduced new opportunities to Riley, as well as dangers. While working as a DJ, she got involved with her (ex) boyfriend, Jacks, and his friend, Nyx; the two dragging her into stealing, selling and using drugs.

After escaping the illegal business, she started getting visits from her cluster, strongly connecting with officer Will Gorski; even going as far as visiting Angelica's death place together. The two sensates formed an unbreakable bond: her boyfriend helping her escape BPO, and Riley helping him manipulate Whispers.


Before anything else, as you've probably seen by now, there will be adult themes present! I'm open to anything, as long as it is respectful.
When it comes to ships, I'd rather keep them canon. If you don't belong to Riley's cluster, I will not engage in romantic/racy scenarios.

I'm 18 years of age, East European and I identify as a non-binary bisexual! I'm comfortable with any pronouns while we interact OOC. I go by Kraken when it comes to my pen name. I have about 5-6 years of roleplaying experience, on and off, but I am new to portraying Riley!I can alternate between POVs, though the third-person view is the one I frequent the most. I tend to mirror writing styles; that is, if they are literate and at least somewhat detailed.English is my second language and I apologize in advance for any errors, be those grammatical or not, that will be made.!Disclaimer! I have an erratic schedule and, quite like my muse, my mood fluctuates; depends on what I'm dealing with. Please, bear in mind that I'm human too, and I have bad days.